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What is a Text?: Pride & Prejudice

Pride & Prejudice

Knock offs, Mash ups & Reworks



Pride & Prejudice the Movie

Pride & Prejudice, the Musical

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Pride & Prejudice, the Graphic Novel

Bride & Prejudice (Bollywood)

Ode to Pity by Jane Austen


Ever musing I delight to tread

The Paths of honour and the Myrtle Grove

Whilst the pale Moon her beams doth shed

On disappointed Love.

While Philomel on airy hawthorn Bush

Sings sweet and Melancholy, And the thrush

Converses with the Dove.



Gently brawling down the turnpike road,

Sweetly noisy falls the Silent Stream--

The Moon emerges from behind a Cloud

And darts upon the Myrtle Grove her beam.

Ah! then what Lovely Scenes appear,

The hut, the Cot, the Grot, and Chapel queer,

And eke the Abbey too a mouldering heap,

Cnceal'd by aged pines her head doth rear

And quite invisible doth take a peep.

Jane Austen