UHS students have access to both print and digital AP and PSAT/ACT/SAT test prep resources through the UHS Library. Print copies of the Princeton Review AP practice tests and study guides for all disciplines are available for two week check outs as well as are the Peterson's ACT and SAT test prep manuals. The Library is open form 7 am-4:30 pm daily for book check-out.
UHS students can access online practice books and tests for all AP tests except AP computer science through the Testing and Education Reference Center available through Milner Library at ISU. Use the following link: https://library.illinoisstate.edu/#tabs-accord2. Using the database tab, type in "Testing and Education Reference Center" and follow the prompts to the AP Prep materials. PSAT/ACT/SAT and SAT Subject test can be accessed the same way by following the college entrance exam prompts. You may need your ULID and password to access these materials off campus.
Research shows that one of the best ways to prepare for the reading section of college entrance exams is to read high-interest non-fiction. The UHS Library boasts a large, high-interest, non-fiction collection, and some of these titles are listed in this LibGuide. All are available for checkout year-round. If you are looking a specific book or would like book recommendations to help strengthen your non-fiction reading skills, please see the UHS Librarian or your English teacher. We are here to help!
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