The Onion "The Onion's articles cover current events, both real and fictional, satirizing the tone and format of traditional news organizations with stories, editorials, op-ed pieces, and man-in-the-street interviews using a traditional news website layout and an editorial voice modeled after that of the Associated Press. The publication's humor often depends on presenting mundane, everyday events as newsworthy, surreal or alarming."
Borowitz Report "In 2001, Andy Borowitz founded The Borowitz Report, a site that posts one 250-word news satire every weekday. In 2012, Borowitz announced that The New Yorker had acquired the Borowitz Report website, the first time that the magazine had ever made such an acquisition. In its first 24 hours as a New Yorker feature, The Borowitz Report garnered the most page views on the entire New Yorker website."
ClickHole "ClickHole is a satirical website from The Onion that parodies websites such as BuzzFeed and Upworthy. It illustrates the shallow nature of content that is shared on social media as well as the desperation of media sites to share such content."
The Satirist " a unique collection of satires, reviews, reviews of imaginary works, fiction, essays, and satirical news from David Geddes."
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